Boost Your Site Traffic With MyBlogLog

I didn't write a how to boost traffic before. This is one way that I found out how to boost traffic to your blog. Do you ever heard of MyBlogLog? It's a very popular social networking site for blogger. It's like MySpace, Facebook and Friendster. When you view someone's profile or site, eventually the little avatar of you will appear on the widget. Automatically, when the owner saw it, she will click it and definitely she'll check out your blog. It works for me, I tried it and I get some unique visitor to my site. Did I said some? Yes, some only, so I still need to work hard to change some to LOT.

Besides just boosting site traffic, making more visitor to your site, MyBlogLog monitors your blog and tell you about your blog stats of the previous day. But the free account only limited to Top 10 of : What people click? Where do readers come from? and What reader viewed? You have to sign up for MyBlogLog Pro in order to do more that. I don't think it's necessary to spend on this, rather you can use free site monitor tool like Google Webmaster Tools, Stat Counter. I haven't sign up for Stat Counter yet, but my friend recommend it to me. With Google Webmaster Tools, you can check your pagerank, site that link to you in Google and more.

I still don't get a lot of visitor to my site yet, so I am good with just Top 10 stats by MyBlogLog free account.

Boosting traffic and viewing site stats is boring, why not join other people's blog community? And then and meet some new friends, just like Friendster Group :).

Kumiko said that you need to have a catchy and interesting avatar in order to attract people. I don't know about that, maybe I should make a VERY INTERESTING and eye cathing avatar for myself. However, I like my current picture of me posting happily at the hill top of Penang Hill. :D

Happy boosting your traffic, viewing your blog stats and making new friends with MyBlogLog!

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