iNicholas Joined Malaysian Technology Blogs

Malaysian Technology Blogs Network

I just joined Malaysian Technology Blogs network in FeedBurner Networks. This network is created by for Malaysian blogger who blogs about Technology.

fanJoining Feedburner network helps you make money online as when advertisers advertise in the network. Besides that you can increase your feed readers too when people who read the feed will eventually subscribed to your blog feed too.

For blogger who want to join the network, please contact and he will send you and invitation. You must be a Malaysian, blog about Technology and update frequently. After joining the network, put badges or anything to promote the network.

Check out the network feed. If you want to advertise in the network, you can do so by clicking here.


    On 11:42 PM Anonymous said...

    welcome to the network...but how to earn money from it, so far i did not have idea to earn money at feedburner

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