Wordpress Liked Commenting System in Blogger

Yesterday I wrote about writing comment in the same page for blogger blog which is intergrating iframe for comment window in a the same page of a blog post. I now found out a new way to make your commenting system looks like Wordpress commenting system which doesn't requires iframe and you can just type your comment in the comment form.

You can now do this easily with Haloscan. Sign up an account at Haloscan and then click install at the submenu. Choose the blog service you use which is Blogger (New Version) then follow instruction on screen, you will have your comment form in your post very soon.

With this, your blog will look more professional and will not annoyed by popup comment.

However, I am still figuring which code to edit because at my homepage, whenever someone click on the comment a popup still appear, I need to link the comment to my post area, anybody know how to?


    On 11:46 PM Anonymous said...

    You should also check out the commenting system I use.

    It also supports threaded comments and akismet moderation.


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